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Datum: 12.07.2022
Uhrzeit: 14:23
ID: 57980

Tiers tread and riser dimensions

#1 (Permalink)
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Hello everybody,

I write in English because not yet proficient in German, nevertheless answer in German is ok. I am interested if for tiers steps (such as sports hall, theater, cinema and similar) you have a rule of thumb regarding tread length / riser height. Here in Romania we have 2risers + tread = min. 62 cm / max. 64 cm, but it is not feasible to apply to tiers as well.
Please advise.

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Datum: 13.07.2022
Uhrzeit: 10:48
ID: 57981

AW: Tiers tread and riser dimensions

#2 (Permalink)
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Eine mir bekannte Formel lautet 63cm-2xs=l. Wobei s die Steigung ist.


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ID: 58087

AW: Tiers tread and riser dimensions #3 (Permalink)
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In the context of tiered seating in spaces like sports halls, theaters, and cinemas, a commonly used rule of thumb is that the sum of the tread depth (the horizontal length of the step) and twice the riser height (the vertical height of the step) should be between 62 cm and 64 cm, just like in Romania. This is based on a principle called "2R + T" (2 Risers + Tread).

However, it's important to note that specific building codes and standards may vary by country and by the type of venue, and these should always be consulted when designing tiered seating. In Germany, for example, regulations such as DIN 18065 (for stairs in buildings) or DIN 18034 (for spectator facilities) would apply. For theaters and cinemas, other factors, such as sightlines and safety regulations, may also influence the design of the seating.

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